If you are new to Guangzhou and suddenly you find the traffic in Guangzhou became much worse, there is traffic everywhere no matter it is rush hour or not. Or your friend is coming to Guangzhou, but the hotel prices are so high much higher than what you expected. Or you go to the restaurant that you have been for so many times, their prices increased a lot for no reason. Or you go to the foot massage, they give you the same price, but the time is much shorter than before. Don’t be surprised. All of these are become of the CANTON FAIR which is commonly known as广交会(guang3jiao1hui4).
The Canton Fair was established in the autumn of 1956. The first Fair was staged in the former Sino-Soviet Friendship Building in the spring of 1957. The Fair serves as a historical witness to the development of China's foreign trade; it has faithfully recorded the pace of the country's growth.
This Canton Fair is the 101th one. It started on 15th April and will continue to 30th April. The most important feather of this canton fair is that the official name is changed from中国出口商品交易会(zhong1guo2 chu1kou3 shang1pin3 jiao1yi4hui4) which means “Chinese Export Commodities Fair”to 中国进出口商品交易会(zhong1guo2 jin4chu1kou3 shang1pin3 jiao1yi4 hui4) which means “China Import and Export Fair”.
Well, some people may love the canton fair. Some may hate it. If you haven’t experienced canton fair, then now you may want to go there to have a look. As a foreigner, you don’t have to pay money to get in. So take the advantage and go to experience it.
The Canton Fair was established in the autumn of 1956. The first Fair was staged in the former Sino-Soviet Friendship Building in the spring of 1957. The Fair serves as a historical witness to the development of China's foreign trade; it has faithfully recorded the pace of the country's growth.
This Canton Fair is the 101th one. It started on 15th April and will continue to 30th April. The most important feather of this canton fair is that the official name is changed from中国出口商品交易会(zhong1guo2 chu1kou3 shang1pin3 jiao1yi4hui4) which means “Chinese Export Commodities Fair”to 中国进出口商品交易会(zhong1guo2 jin4chu1kou3 shang1pin3 jiao1yi4 hui4) which means “China Import and Export Fair”.
Well, some people may love the canton fair. Some may hate it. If you haven’t experienced canton fair, then now you may want to go there to have a look. As a foreigner, you don’t have to pay money to get in. So take the advantage and go to experience it.